If you know me, you know I'm hardly ever on time anywhere. I try to be early, but the snooze button gets the best of me, and so does (and I hate to admit,) facebook. Thank goodness the two could never really go together because I probably wouldn't ever do anything. Unless I was dreaming about trolling on facebook.
Facebook is a whole different story. I wouldn't say I'm 'having fun' on facebook, but usually when I open Safari, I almost always go straight to facebook. Yeah, I feel pathetic now, but at least I'm owning up to it.
.... Surprisingly, that still doesn't make me feel any better.
A very random event happened to me one of the times I went on the Amtrak. I was late and, taking the bus.. I couldn't rush my way to the station. Pulling out my Nintendo DS, I let the bus driver do this thang. When I arrived at the station around 6:31pm, I saw my train leaving. Thankfully Amtrak has a good system where if you miss your train, you can hop onto the next. But what to do during sunset in a neighborhood I am not very much familiar with?
Watching the train crawl by (it doesnt go very fast at first), the guy wearing a backpack and carrying a beat up skateboard turns slightly towards me and says, "Well, there goes our train".
What is a girl to do?
I don't remember what happened after that, but the next thing I know we're crossing the street to a local pizza shop he claims he likes, and we agree that we will wait for the next train together.
He orders a greasy looking pizza, and I don't remember what I got, if I got anything at all.
We talked about lots of things from school to dating history. I don't remember if he was cute or not. But I guess it didn't matter because when we got back to the train station, we couldn't sit together (there were only single seaters available), and I never saw him ever again.
Instead I sat next to a girl who noticed me reading one of the Twilight series (whocares, i like it!) and we talked about Stephanie Meyer and the new book she's coming out with. She was cool but I wanted her to shut up so I can find out about what happened to Edward and Bella.
Toobad I have to shower and go to work now, because I wanted to make this post really long and draggy.
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