Thursday, October 1, 2009

it's 2:13

When my internet doesn't work, I start to think of all the productive things that I could be doing on the world wide web. Flash forward a couple of minutes when my airport snags the internet wavelengths from the air: I'm on stupid blogger writing a blog entry about how I am not making use of my now-working internet.

College made me realize that I have one pet peeve that I cannot get rid of. The art of small talk. Some people have mastered it, whereas I feel as though I have gotten worse in my attempts than before. When it comes to small talk, I can't help but be... NOT-GENUINE. There is a certain type of small talk that I have come to dislike. It's the i-really-don't-care-but-here-goes kind of conversation. College forces you to have these conversations multiple times a day. The kind of conversation where all you find out about the person is their name, major and year-- and what's the point, because you forget anyways. I've always been a pretty darn sincere person, but man have I reached my limits these past few years. But it's definitely something I've been working on. It's a little hard though, since I tend to just shut down when I realize that the conversation is set to die out in a few more seconds-- I start looking around (almost frantically) in all sorts of directions before I eventually pull out my, "Hey, hold on; I'll be right back"-line.

I hardly ever do return. =)

Then I go and mingle with someone else I don't have to make such meaningless conversation with.

Even at work, I would make conversation with a customer, and eventually I get worn out of trying to act like I really DO care about what they're doing that particular day. (They're at the mall. I think I can guess what most customers are doing) I DO care about my customers, but after about 300 customers, it gets hard to care.

This makes me sound like a total social grinch.

I'm not. I, like many others, find small talk to be painful, and am starting to grow an ever-increasing dislike for this form of interaction. I am aware that it is necessary and inevitable, of course! But man oh man.

Mind you, every now and then I'll meet a particular interesting feller, and I'll crack a joke and they'll crack an even better joke and later, sall gravy.

Awkward moments make for a fun story for you to tell your friends, so it's fun.

On to something more interesting:
... didn't actually believe me did you?


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