Tuesday, October 27, 2009

actually written on a different day.

My favorite weather.

Uneven blotches of dead, flat looking clouds that float around a cloudy gray sky. This gloomy weather makes appropriate the double take you do on your umbrella before heading out the door. Scarves do little to protect you from the icy breeze because the wind finds its way through the sleeves of your coat anyway. The best remedy would be a toasty little somethin' somethin' to warm you from the inside. The spiciness that complements the sweetness of a chai tea latte, subtly topped with cinnamon powder, makes for a perfect drink on this uncomfortable day.

But you're too poor to buy a $4.00 drink so you settle for a stick of gum instead.

No longer do I find Gloomsville my favorite weather. I figure, what weather is more complicated? From my twenty years of existence and very limited knowledge, I have come to the conclusion that this "transition period" is when people get most sick. This has nothing to do with why this is my favorite weather.

No matter how expensive or inexpensive your mattress is, the moment right before waking up, your bed feels like one giant snuggie worn by a man made of fluffy pillows (or woman, if you'd rather) wrapping his (or her) arms around you. You don't ever want to let go. But like Rose from Titanic, enough is enough and you gotta let go eventually. You've got places to go and people to see!
Anyway, peeking from the window is the morning greet from the famous sun. The skies are a radiant blue and every building, plant, fence and whatever else is out your window looks like an over exposed photograph. And if you're like me, you'll stare carefully out the window for a good second or two to see if the leaves on the trees are moving. This is crucial information in determining whether or not a jacket will be needed that day.

But doesn't really matter, because during the day of my favorite weather, any form of attire is appropriate. This is what I call, a Cardigan Weather. (You're fine with a cardigan or you're fine without a cardigan. The weather is just that great!)

You get the benefits of a sunny sky along with the constant friendly slaps of a chilly breeze.


If you want to come back home to take a nap, as I will do very soon, you can because it's cold enough to snuggle back into your giant fluffy snuggie bed. But if you have errands to run, this cardigan weather provides for you a giant sun to get you in that uppity mood to run errands. It is a common belief that gloomy weather chains you to your bed and indian summers will melt your brains out of your ears. But this cardigan weather takes the best out of each and combines it into a neatly packaged October 23rd. What a great mood I am in =)

And if you're like me, you will have found a $20 bill in your notebook and have enough money to buy yourself a nice toasty Chai tea latte, along with, heck, maybe even three other people. And a pack of gum to boot!

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