Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Misconception: as much as I whined about hating small talk in my previous post, it's not THAT bad. Lots of people afterwards that I talked to were like, "Oh yeahhh, you hate small talk. blahblah" A wittle small talk is good, but I'm just sayingggggg, I sometimes prefer sitting quietly alone than have conversations that lead nowhere.

BUT ITS NOT THAT BAD. Apparently I have no way to win this because I dug a hole for myself. This does not mean that I hate when people approach me to talk to me. I hate approaching people when I have nothing to talk about and all we end up doing is having some sort of an empty conversation.

Yeah, I think I phrased that a little better. =)

So I spent a good hour at starbucks trying to figure out how to get my internet to work, and what do I do when I am granted the gift of having the world at my fingertips (literally, with a click from my trackpad)-- I end up on this website trying to convince people that I actually do enjoy getting to know people, and a....alskjdfa. I'm going to stop.

Other than being sick, but not really sick-- having a constant tickle in my throat, I am doing swell. Studying functions as a sleeping pill for me. As soon as I study, I fall asleep.

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