Tuesday, October 27, 2009

actually written on a different day.

My favorite weather.

Uneven blotches of dead, flat looking clouds that float around a cloudy gray sky. This gloomy weather makes appropriate the double take you do on your umbrella before heading out the door. Scarves do little to protect you from the icy breeze because the wind finds its way through the sleeves of your coat anyway. The best remedy would be a toasty little somethin' somethin' to warm you from the inside. The spiciness that complements the sweetness of a chai tea latte, subtly topped with cinnamon powder, makes for a perfect drink on this uncomfortable day.

But you're too poor to buy a $4.00 drink so you settle for a stick of gum instead.

No longer do I find Gloomsville my favorite weather. I figure, what weather is more complicated? From my twenty years of existence and very limited knowledge, I have come to the conclusion that this "transition period" is when people get most sick. This has nothing to do with why this is my favorite weather.

No matter how expensive or inexpensive your mattress is, the moment right before waking up, your bed feels like one giant snuggie worn by a man made of fluffy pillows (or woman, if you'd rather) wrapping his (or her) arms around you. You don't ever want to let go. But like Rose from Titanic, enough is enough and you gotta let go eventually. You've got places to go and people to see!
Anyway, peeking from the window is the morning greet from the famous sun. The skies are a radiant blue and every building, plant, fence and whatever else is out your window looks like an over exposed photograph. And if you're like me, you'll stare carefully out the window for a good second or two to see if the leaves on the trees are moving. This is crucial information in determining whether or not a jacket will be needed that day.

But doesn't really matter, because during the day of my favorite weather, any form of attire is appropriate. This is what I call, a Cardigan Weather. (You're fine with a cardigan or you're fine without a cardigan. The weather is just that great!)

You get the benefits of a sunny sky along with the constant friendly slaps of a chilly breeze.


If you want to come back home to take a nap, as I will do very soon, you can because it's cold enough to snuggle back into your giant fluffy snuggie bed. But if you have errands to run, this cardigan weather provides for you a giant sun to get you in that uppity mood to run errands. It is a common belief that gloomy weather chains you to your bed and indian summers will melt your brains out of your ears. But this cardigan weather takes the best out of each and combines it into a neatly packaged October 23rd. What a great mood I am in =)

And if you're like me, you will have found a $20 bill in your notebook and have enough money to buy yourself a nice toasty Chai tea latte, along with, heck, maybe even three other people. And a pack of gum to boot!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Misconception: as much as I whined about hating small talk in my previous post, it's not THAT bad. Lots of people afterwards that I talked to were like, "Oh yeahhh, you hate small talk. blahblah" A wittle small talk is good, but I'm just sayingggggg, I sometimes prefer sitting quietly alone than have conversations that lead nowhere.

BUT ITS NOT THAT BAD. Apparently I have no way to win this because I dug a hole for myself. This does not mean that I hate when people approach me to talk to me. I hate approaching people when I have nothing to talk about and all we end up doing is having some sort of an empty conversation.

Yeah, I think I phrased that a little better. =)

So I spent a good hour at starbucks trying to figure out how to get my internet to work, and what do I do when I am granted the gift of having the world at my fingertips (literally, with a click from my trackpad)-- I end up on this website trying to convince people that I actually do enjoy getting to know people, and a....alskjdfa. I'm going to stop.

Other than being sick, but not really sick-- having a constant tickle in my throat, I am doing swell. Studying functions as a sleeping pill for me. As soon as I study, I fall asleep.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

it's 2:13

When my internet doesn't work, I start to think of all the productive things that I could be doing on the world wide web. Flash forward a couple of minutes when my airport snags the internet wavelengths from the air: I'm on stupid blogger writing a blog entry about how I am not making use of my now-working internet.

College made me realize that I have one pet peeve that I cannot get rid of. The art of small talk. Some people have mastered it, whereas I feel as though I have gotten worse in my attempts than before. When it comes to small talk, I can't help but be... NOT-GENUINE. There is a certain type of small talk that I have come to dislike. It's the i-really-don't-care-but-here-goes kind of conversation. College forces you to have these conversations multiple times a day. The kind of conversation where all you find out about the person is their name, major and year-- and what's the point, because you forget anyways. I've always been a pretty darn sincere person, but man have I reached my limits these past few years. But it's definitely something I've been working on. It's a little hard though, since I tend to just shut down when I realize that the conversation is set to die out in a few more seconds-- I start looking around (almost frantically) in all sorts of directions before I eventually pull out my, "Hey, hold on; I'll be right back"-line.

I hardly ever do return. =)

Then I go and mingle with someone else I don't have to make such meaningless conversation with.

Even at work, I would make conversation with a customer, and eventually I get worn out of trying to act like I really DO care about what they're doing that particular day. (They're at the mall. I think I can guess what most customers are doing) I DO care about my customers, but after about 300 customers, it gets hard to care.

This makes me sound like a total social grinch.

I'm not. I, like many others, find small talk to be painful, and am starting to grow an ever-increasing dislike for this form of interaction. I am aware that it is necessary and inevitable, of course! But man oh man.

Mind you, every now and then I'll meet a particular interesting feller, and I'll crack a joke and they'll crack an even better joke and later, sall gravy.

Awkward moments make for a fun story for you to tell your friends, so it's fun.

On to something more interesting:

...you didn't actually believe me did you?


Saturday, August 22, 2009

what the heck, then get out. <3

wow. i never knew people could be so rude to strangers. and esp when its not necessary to be so dang bad-mannered.

that is all.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

endurance, endurance

I want to get on a track. Not "get back on track", because I was never on track. If I could manage to find a way to do something useful, I'll be happy. No need for anything fancy. But yes need for something shmancy.

heeeeee. What am I talking about?

I'm talking about sweaters at the Gap, as my dear friend once blabbed about. hahaha. =) jk. But seriously. I've taken on a second job but it's nothing great. In fact, today was my first day and I'm already trying to figure out a way to nicely-quit. Spoiled? Conceited? Too-cool-for-that-school?

not really, but whatever.

It's a step down, not a step up. Ladders go up.

But tracks go around in circles; you come back right where you started.
I guess the first step to getting on track is to quit this second job. Then I would have started a track.

And after that, I'll be on track.

...Which really made me appreciate my work right now. The people, the customers, the environment. You can betchasocks that I'll definitely be thankful tmrw at work. It's nothing amazing, but it's definitely quite swell and schmancy to me.

There's so many things I want to write about right now, but I don't know how to organize my thoughts. I wouldn't know what to say, and writing such jibberish (moresojibberishthanrightnow) would embarrass me even more than I am currently successfully doing right now. Does that even make any sense?

I wanted to spend this summer in the library. Reading textbooks that I crammed during finals week but found interesting and planned to read in more detail during the summer. So far I have managed to do nothing. With a room messier than a trash bag after Christmas morning, I

...i was going to write a whole paragraph on stuff

but im sleepy now.


Saturday, July 18, 2009


wow, what a good looking man that ryan reynolds

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


i wrote a whole thing trying to be clever, but all i really need to say is,


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

party HEARTy.

freaking cutie!!!

could it be possible that even though this week is supposed to be pretty crappy, i dont feel nearly as stressed as i should be? not even half-- not even a quarter

but maybe a dime.

make money all day, play all night, and awasfkasdfksdf. :D

happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, we're going to hang out so muchh, you cute wittle doggggg.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

one step at a time

when finals make you feel like you're drowning and dying,

polarbear at SD zoo last year! (:

remember: take it one step at a time

colorado stair thingies

and before you know it, you'll reach the top!

crazy. it looks so pretty from the top too. but this is like 1/3 of it i think?

my bestfriend! (:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

guys that are streetsmart, are cutesmart.

i've been doing some thinking. some researching and some writing. and:

not sure if this is my research topic, but im trying to see if there's a correlation between classroom noise level and a sense of urgency (in regards to turning in assignments) felt by students in the 6th grade art class i tutor at. when the class is given an assignment, usually the teacher lets the students loose and free to work on their own. however, depending on the "urgency" of an assignment (when it's due), the interaction level among students vary. why is it sometimes students stay in their seat and work silently but other times students are aware that its okay to whisper among their tablemates? or what gives the students the understanding that its okay to turn it up a notch and talk loudly and even lean back in their chairs to interact with students at different tables.. and under what circumstances do students find it okay to walk around the classroom to talk to other classmates?
how do these students understand the informal rules that exist in the classroom, and when do these rules become active/ who calls for these rules to exist and be implemented in the classroom? im guessing it depends (to both students and teacher) on the immediacy of the assignment. meh?

what bs huh. 

sounds like common sense and after 8 weeks i STILL cant come up with a more clever topic. so that's what i've been up to. but what i really wanted to write about is: SLEEP.

it seems that i get the best sleep, not when i'm wrapped like a burrito in my blanket in my bed, but when i'm awkwardly trying to find a comfortable yet appropriate sitting-position in my classroom desk.

i LOVE sleeping in class. 5 minutes of sleep in class is equivalent to 10 hours of sleep in a bed. i always wondered why this was. i used to think it had to be linked with why food always tastes better in a classroom. (and in-n-out always tastes better IN the restaurant(?) than OUT.)

but sleeping in geisel never does it for me. i can sleep there for 3 hours, and still be SUPER tired when i wake up. which is why sometimes i go there, sleep with my head rested on a textbook, and after i wake up, i wipe off the puddle of drool on ze textbook, close the book and pack my things and go back home. ALL while making sure no one sees me with drool across my facecheek. (:

goshhh i loveee sleeping in class soo much, i want to go to a classroom and sleep there for a bit and do some homework. if i did that for the rest of my life, other than being socially UNWANTED, i would sleep only an hour a day and be much more productive for the rest of my life.

another thing i like is when guys drive really well. swoon.

Friday, May 8, 2009

let's take a chance now, we could fall in love.

even if what you've got isn't all that grand,
if you own it and make it yours
wouldn't it be grand?

overly pessimistic people are such downers. i dont like downers, and i'm from downey.

Monday, April 27, 2009

let's be serious, please.

i had the weirdest dream the other night: i was dating vin diesel and we were attacked by some sort of s.w.a.t team kind of group and i was shooting them with a very powerful watergun. i remember looking at vin diesel's face and thinking, "oh my gosh. this guy is so old!"

let me tell you, we were quite a couple.
