Thursday, April 29, 2010

F for eFFort

Why can't I just crawl into bed and have nobody talk to me today?
And yes, I have to go on campus right now, instead I mope and whine in this virtual diary. A diary that I don't want anyone to read, but I like when people read it.
Sometimes I'll purposely not take the shuttle with people just because I hate talking. Anti-social? Not really.

Also I hate repeating myself.

I don't want to go, but I guess I should. People who are overly random are annoying sometimes.
I'd say I'm not being overly random right now because this is a negative post and mostly everything here is negative. Retarded questions that are really statements are annoying, especially on days like today where I just want to sleep and not talk.
"Are you on the computer?" when I am clearly galloping my fingers on the keypad like a horse on a racetrack.

Are you seriously complaining right now?

This all started with a failed all-nighter, no parking on campus and being late to a midterm that I just plunked. Did I mention I just stuffed my face with truffles?
Oh wait, that's a good thing. (:

Man, I hate showing up places late but looks like I am going to be late.

I promise I'm not a grump. (: and apparently I DO want to talk today.

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