Sunday, April 11, 2010

No, I'm not THAT Stupid..

I have homework due tomorrow! I took my textbook to work today so I can read during my break/lunch/whatever. 9 out of 10 times I take any sort of academic material to work, I decide I'm too cool for that and decide to shop instead. Today was one of those days. I bought myself some sandals. ANYWAY

This isn't the most expensive book I've bought this quarter, but it's no pocket-change amount.

...Let me quickly explain why I'm putting off doing homework to scribble nonsense on here.

Searching for my keys after work ended, and feeling awful that one of my coworkers was waiting for me to finish finding my keys so she can drive home, I unloaded the contents of my bag onto the trunk of my car. After quite a bit of air-talking (mouthing, "I'm so sorry", "Ahh, my keys", "EEEEEP."), I found my keys and waved them triumphantly in the air to signal peace and relief.

I grabbed my stuff and rushed to the car, shoving my keys in the ignition, bumpin' Circa Survive as I reversed with one-hand B] and drove down the ramp as if to run away from the zone of workage.

When I came home, and heated up some eggrolls in the microwave (I knowwww, SOO asian. Of all things..) and plopped onto my chair to tackle ze assignment. I was thinking to myself, geeze, I wish I did some amount of reading at work, as I looked over for my book. Maybe I even threw a mini-tantrum in my head.
Well that mini-tantrum turned into a mini-panic attack when I failed to locate my textbook.

...okay I'm tired of all the suspense, and you have better things to do, so I'll cut it shorter than I would like:

My freaking book was gone! Not under my bed, not in my purse, not outside, not in my car.
...Not in my car.
No, No, No, I'm not THAT stupid to have left my book on top of my trunk when I was diggin around for my keys.......?...?

Lazy bum clothes and all, I ran outside to my car, shoved my keys in the ignition, reversed out (with two hands this time), and drove with my highbeams on. I was going to retrace my steps/cartracks and find that freaking book.
As I got closer to the zone of my workingplacearea, I was getting more and more tantrumy. I guess I could buy another book, but it'd be a shame to spend money like that. With that money I could buy... and I was thinking of all the things I could buy with that small-but-still-significant-amount of money.
Meh, I drove up the ramp, scanning every inch of asphalt my tires had touched only 15 minutes before.

And what amazing feeling of relief I experienced sweeping through my brain to my heart then to my watery, eager eyes (justkidding) when I saw a little white dot at the top of the parking lot.
Could it be??

Could it was.

My book about 15 ft away from where my car was previously parked, chillin on the floor.

I think while I was gone my textbook had its own little fun. Next to it was a dirty used condom, sprawled on the floor. Whoo, my book knows how to spit some game. Maybe someone was going to drive back-- highbeams and all-- to come back for the condom? Maybe not. Probably not.

...I hope not.

It was like a mother finding her lost baby. Except it's a mother who probably can live without the baby. She just didn't want to go through the trouble of getting a new baby. It hurts financially.

Anyway, so I came home and decided that this was the most interesting thing that has happened to me all day. In honor of that I thought I'll take one of those reunited pictures of me and my book. You know, for old-times sake. (:

And then I looked at the picture and thought: hey, the girl in the cover kind of looks like me.

If my hair were fluttering in the wind, you'd see the resemblance.

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