Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
I've always wanted to do this.
Right now is not the appropriate time to write this because I need to be getting ready, but this is the perfect opportunity to write this and so i have to. Because of that, I have to.
What I need to write is of minimal importance. This is something that I should probably post as private, but for documentation, I think it'd be funnier for me to know that it won't be private. Unless i really want to. Unless I'm really seriousa bout it.
But it is also not appropriate for me not to be writing here because, well I have 30 minutes to get ready.
maybe 20. But I think we're going at like 10:30. It doesn't matter. We should be punctual.
Um, anyway
I don't want this to be in a sad tone, or don't read it like I'm sad because I'm actually in a good mood right now. I am super content. :)
But I am kind of sad.
But its okay because it will be.
I like water
I used to not like water that much but now i like it
If I read this I kind of sound crazy
like super random, and i kind of dont like when people are superrrrr freaking random. It's like.. dude! wtf? that's freaking RANDOM!
I also don't like when people say everything is random. likethis:
"Hey, what's up?"
"Not much! you?"
"Not much. Just left class."
"Oh, turns out your friend is in my class!"
"OH WHAT? dude that's so freaking random, man!"
....that's not thaattttt random, it's just.. a mere happenstance.
and back t the super random person:
"Hey, let's talk about our favorite movie!"
"I like Shrek"
"I like Toy Story"
"But I kind of really like Ratatouille"
"You're right, but Toy Story would be my favorite"
"I smell like feet!"
...random, ya crazy.
but i should get ready now. i had a dumb smile on my face the whole time I was writing this. haha
crap HOw logn have I been writing this?
I want to take a picture of something random to show you but i just ssaid i hate random people or anyone associated with randomness.
but its kind of fun so unless it really is thattt funny
stop being random!
but dont stop because it really is funny. :) hahaaha
you're so random!!!!!
hahaha. okay
I feel random now.
I dont know how I feel about that.
I feel happy
i loveee happy. happy is my yorkshire terrier.
Oh I should show you happy becuase i wanted to post a pic but not be random. But i have successfuly written about happy beforehand and so it is appropriate for me to post a pic and fuflfils my wishes to post a pictuer!
here's happy. :)
wtf i cant post the pic?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
if you can have a goodnight like me,
and i think i just ate a lot of rice, butter spam and eggs, (fml)
then i am very happy for you.
however tomorrow is time to get back on track right.
why am i blogging when my friends are over?
i dont really know
but i know that i lov ejimmy diaz and that we are in this picture together.
jimmy is so wasted right now and he is spinning circles and he thinks he is a heilocopter i cannot figure out how to spell that word. heliocopter that is not yet either.
helicopter. wow that was so hard.
that is really weird because im usually pretty okay to decent with my spelling.
but its okay because you've got a friend in me.
what the fasdf
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Now that I think about it...

If you know me, you know I'm hardly ever on time anywhere. I try to be early, but the snooze button gets the best of me, and so does (and I hate to admit,) facebook. Thank goodness the two could never really go together because I probably wouldn't ever do anything. Unless I was dreaming about trolling on facebook.
Facebook is a whole different story. I wouldn't say I'm 'having fun' on facebook, but usually when I open Safari, I almost always go straight to facebook. Yeah, I feel pathetic now, but at least I'm owning up to it.
.... Surprisingly, that still doesn't make me feel any better.
A very random event happened to me one of the times I went on the Amtrak. I was late and, taking the bus.. I couldn't rush my way to the station. Pulling out my Nintendo DS, I let the bus driver do this thang. When I arrived at the station around 6:31pm, I saw my train leaving. Thankfully Amtrak has a good system where if you miss your train, you can hop onto the next. But what to do during sunset in a neighborhood I am not very much familiar with?
Watching the train crawl by (it doesnt go very fast at first), the guy wearing a backpack and carrying a beat up skateboard turns slightly towards me and says, "Well, there goes our train".
What is a girl to do?
I don't remember what happened after that, but the next thing I know we're crossing the street to a local pizza shop he claims he likes, and we agree that we will wait for the next train together.
He orders a greasy looking pizza, and I don't remember what I got, if I got anything at all.
We talked about lots of things from school to dating history. I don't remember if he was cute or not. But I guess it didn't matter because when we got back to the train station, we couldn't sit together (there were only single seaters available), and I never saw him ever again.
Instead I sat next to a girl who noticed me reading one of the Twilight series (whocares, i like it!) and we talked about Stephanie Meyer and the new book she's coming out with. She was cool but I wanted her to shut up so I can find out about what happened to Edward and Bella.
Toobad I have to shower and go to work now, because I wanted to make this post really long and draggy.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
good idea, poor execution
My eyes are heavy and they burn from lack of rest. All this for what, for about 3 or 4 hours of productive studying? Invest 10 hours and you will make use of only 3 hours. I'm in such a better mood when I'm not studying.
Here I have my brushes, I've got a few colors, a blank canvas and a limited amount of time. If you have some free time, stay here with me because I would love to paint you a story:
Prickly, but once we press the weight of our body against the multitude of individual pieces of grass, the uncomfortable feeling transforms into a soft, snuggly bed of fluff. Fluff we see when we open our eyes and see directly above us, the enormous cloudy tapestry that tells stories we love to create. Create with me a cinematic story, or share with me a snippet of your past adventures. Adventuresome I feel, laying here next to you, doing close to absolutely nothing. Nothing else would satisfy me more at this moment than to know that you reciprocate these same emotions. Emotions we try to make sense of when we try to make shapes of the fluff in the sky, playfully insinuating double meanings with our anecdotes that may or may not relate to--
Oh I ran out of colors, and freetime. Toodlelooobabyboo.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Dont bother me, I'm chillin
I don't feel like it, and besides, did I mention I don't feel like it?
Sometimes I prefer being alone. There's nothing wrong with that, except I'll run out of excuses one day. It's not you, it's most definitely me. I like what I am doing currently, and I don't want to disrupt what good groove I have goin on right now.
Silence and freedom. Freedom to do whatever I please, wear whatever I want and rub off the remaining eyeliner left on my face. I want to crawl into my bed with a book, textbook, magazine or even my doodling pad and leave my hair in a messy bun. The windows will be open and the cold breeze will only make me sink deeper into my sheets. The mixture of my music and the sound outside may seem distracting but it only helps me sleep better.
That is, if I feel like sleeping.
I can do whatever I feel like. No need to entertain or be entertained. I am satisfied with what is here in front of me right now.
So why would I want to disrupt what I have going on right now? It's not you, it's me. If it were anyone else I'd still feel the same. A small dosage of solitude goes a long way.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
There's a little "It" that I thought I always wanted. Years have passed and "It" has always been a little tease, prancing around just within my reach, but nearly impossible to obtain. But now that I've got it, I don't want It anymore. Previously I idealized this "It" item as something to look forward to, a challenge to overcome, and It would represent a symbolic proof of accomplishment and growth. Maybe it was the thrill of the chase that sparked my interest and initiated my ambitions and assertiveness.
Having a few days to soak in the accomplishment I felt from finally obtaining this particular "It", I later realized that this is not something I want. This isn't the route I want to take. Sure, I knew It would always be temporary-- just something to keep me occupied and stable-- but it isn't what I want. It, as I now anticipate, is no more than a mere disappointment and quite frankly, sucky. Now It has come to me, but I am not satisfied. I see It as equivalent to... soggy bread. Bread it is, but attractive and amazing It is not.
So goodbye It!
I am over It and I hope someone else takes It, but I do feel slightly obligated to be with It now.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Iron Man Midnigh

Before I head back out the door, I would like to share that I am IN LOVE with this right now. Without this magic fuel, I would be defunct. Horizontal stripes are NOT a girl's best friend. However, placing an image in the foreground boosts self esteem. Don't let your eyes fool you.
Cute guy at the school shuttle stop who looks like an half asian-white Ryan Reynolds, you are always the highlight of my Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Jiminy Cricket, my curtains are ky00t.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
F for eFFort
Why can't I just crawl into bed and have nobody talk to me today?
And yes, I have to go on campus right now, instead I mope and whine in this virtual diary. A diary that I don't want anyone to read, but I like when people read it.
Sometimes I'll purposely not take the shuttle with people just because I hate talking. Anti-social? Not really.
Also I hate repeating myself.
I don't want to go, but I guess I should. People who are overly random are annoying sometimes.
I'd say I'm not being overly random right now because this is a negative post and mostly everything here is negative. Retarded questions that are really statements are annoying, especially on days like today where I just want to sleep and not talk.
"Are you on the computer?" when I am clearly galloping my fingers on the keypad like a horse on a racetrack.
Are you seriously complaining right now?
This all started with a failed all-nighter, no parking on campus and being late to a midterm that I just plunked. Did I mention I just stuffed my face with truffles?
Oh wait, that's a good thing. (:
Man, I hate showing up places late but looks like I am going to be late.
I promise I'm not a grump. (: and apparently I DO want to talk today.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Not a double entendre.
On facebook, everyone gets 1 free gift to give to someone. I never used mine because I was hoping to save it for somebody special. But now, with all those free gifts, gifts are just whatevers, a fun little chuckle. I don't think the gift I've been saving is even special anymore. In fact, I don't even think my gift is even useable or meaningful.
Of course, after all these years there still is no one to give the gift to anyway.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
No, I'm not THAT Stupid..

I have homework due tomorrow! I took my textbook to work today so I can read during my break/lunch/whatever. 9 out of 10 times I take any sort of academic material to work, I decide I'm too cool for that and decide to shop instead. Today was one of those days. I bought myself some sandals. ANYWAY
This isn't the most expensive book I've bought this quarter, but it's no pocket-change amount.
...Let me quickly explain why I'm putting off doing homework to scribble nonsense on here.
Searching for my keys after work ended, and feeling awful that one of my coworkers was waiting for me to finish finding my keys so she can drive home, I unloaded the contents of my bag onto the trunk of my car. After quite a bit of air-talking (mouthing, "I'm so sorry", "Ahh, my keys", "EEEEEP."), I found my keys and waved them triumphantly in the air to signal peace and relief.
I grabbed my stuff and rushed to the car, shoving my keys in the ignition, bumpin' Circa Survive as I reversed with one-hand B] and drove down the ramp as if to run away from the zone of workage.
When I came home, and heated up some eggrolls in the microwave (I knowwww, SOO asian. Of all things..) and plopped onto my chair to tackle ze assignment. I was thinking to myself, geeze, I wish I did some amount of reading at work, as I looked over for my book. Maybe I even threw a mini-tantrum in my head.
Well that mini-tantrum turned into a mini-panic attack when I failed to locate my textbook.
...okay I'm tired of all the suspense, and you have better things to do, so I'll cut it shorter than I would like:
My freaking book was gone! Not under my bed, not in my purse, not outside, not in my car.
...Not in my car.
No, No, No, I'm not THAT stupid to have left my book on top of my trunk when I was diggin around for my keys.......?...?
Lazy bum clothes and all, I ran outside to my car, shoved my keys in the ignition, reversed out (with two hands this time), and drove with my highbeams on. I was going to retrace my steps/cartracks and find that freaking book.
As I got closer to the zone of my workingplacearea, I was getting more and more tantrumy. I guess I could buy another book, but it'd be a shame to spend money like that. With that money I could buy... and I was thinking of all the things I could buy with that small-but-still-significant-amount of money.
Meh, I drove up the ramp, scanning every inch of asphalt my tires had touched only 15 minutes before.
And what amazing feeling of relief I experienced sweeping through my brain to my heart then to my watery, eager eyes (justkidding) when I saw a little white dot at the top of the parking lot.
Could it be??
Could it was.
My book about 15 ft away from where my car was previously parked, chillin on the floor.
I think while I was gone my textbook had its own little fun. Next to it was a dirty used condom, sprawled on the floor. Whoo, my book knows how to spit some game. Maybe someone was going to drive back-- highbeams and all-- to come back for the condom? Maybe not. Probably not.
...I hope not.
It was like a mother finding her lost baby. Except it's a mother who probably can live without the baby. She just didn't want to go through the trouble of getting a new baby. It hurts financially.
Anyway, so I came home and decided that this was the most interesting thing that has happened to me all day. In honor of that I thought I'll take one of those reunited pictures of me and my book. You know, for old-times sake. (:
And then I looked at the picture and thought: hey, the girl in the cover kind of looks like me.

If my hair were fluttering in the wind, you'd see the resemblance.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Love, Jeannie
Before I thought it was fine to end an e-mail with a dash followed by my first name. If I want to be fancy and I'm feelin' snazzy, I'd spice it up and add my last name.
It wasn't really until college did I find myself in quite a pickle.
Even in the beginning of the e-mail do I write, Hi Professor so-and-so? Dear Professor so-and-so? But that wasn't that big of a deal. Besides, professors and professionals, when reading my baby-like e-mails have better things to do than analyze how I greeted them. They skip right onto my main point, as they glaze their eyes onto the end of the e-mail.
That last bit I put at the end of most of my e-mails had much thought put into them. One of my philosophy TAs used to write "Cheers" which I thought was pretty cool. Because of his sign-off, I thought he was a foreign student from England or something.
Then a couple of other TAs wrote "cheers"
I've heard things from Best, Regards, Warm Regards, Sincerely (but I've never gotten that one)...etc. How freaking annoying.
During my internship, my supervisor(?) and I made an e-mail thread. I ran out of things to say, and went back to my old style of "-Jeannie"
I think I eventually abandoned a sign-off altogether.
Quasi-instant messaging?
Meh, it doesn't really matter because it probably didn't really matter to him. .....except I don't really know that.
Everything is so virtual now. Maybe I go a little overboard on my haha usage on AIM. But everytime I chuckle, smile or laugh, I throw it in there! Why not? Adds a little character. There are some people I hate texting because they're super bubbly in person but through text, they're all short with me. A response like: "Ok. See you soon."
....cause it sure seems like they're not excited to "see me soon".
Anyway, I only bring this up because it's quite a pickle I've been stuck in for awhile and I happened to read this.
Friday, April 2, 2010
In Your Dreams
I had such a cool vision for this blog. I was going to write about the fun things I learn in school and be able to write about my thoughts without having to abide by a due date or get worried about citing references. This proved only to be a fantasy. I have not written anything about what I was learning.
Maybe it was because I wasn't learning anything until the last week of class.
Or maybe it was because.
...Just because.

Maybe it was because I wasn't learning anything until the last week of class.
Or maybe it was because.
...Just because.

Think 3M only makes post-its and scotch tape?
After I work for my meager wage at my service-sector low-paying job, I will return to some studious reading about 3M, and maybe have something fun to say.
That'd be a change of pace, eh?
I had the scariest nightmare today.
Usually when I have a nightmare, I can decide to "open my eyes" and wake up. With about 3 failed attempts, I finally managed to open my eye back into reality and the comfort of being away from that horrendous scenario. Except I was still dreaming.
I nearly had a heart attack. =( I was itching to wake up and get out of there. The scariest thing was the more I tried to wake up, the more scarier things got-- since I was trying to bolt. My creative imagination was out of control. Not that I remember much of my dream now, I'm glad I'm awake.
...OR AM I STILL DREAMING? just kidding.
After I work for my meager wage at my service-sector low-paying job, I will return to some studious reading about 3M, and maybe have something fun to say.
That'd be a change of pace, eh?
I had the scariest nightmare today.
Usually when I have a nightmare, I can decide to "open my eyes" and wake up. With about 3 failed attempts, I finally managed to open my eye back into reality and the comfort of being away from that horrendous scenario. Except I was still dreaming.
I nearly had a heart attack. =( I was itching to wake up and get out of there. The scariest thing was the more I tried to wake up, the more scarier things got-- since I was trying to bolt. My creative imagination was out of control. Not that I remember much of my dream now, I'm glad I'm awake.
...OR AM I STILL DREAMING? just kidding.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Reader's Digest? More like: Writer's Digest.
Looking back on all the classes I took, and all the information I've crammed during finals week, all the papers I've written... I highly doubt I actually have retained most of this information. Which is quite a shame because some of the things I learn are pretty, dare I say, interesting! For instance, I'm taking a communication class: Architecture as Communication. and even though my main reason for signing up for the class was because it reminded me of Ted Mosby (How I Met Your Mother), it's interesting to learn how all these buildings, roads, cities and other human-constructed bits of infrastructure communicate and represent certain motives. Anyway, other than the take home final, we have only one "assignment" in the class. A research-based term paper on any piece of architecture (pretty much anything) explaining how it was made, from what it was made from, why it was made, the influences of its existence, and various other tidbits.
I haven't done my research yet, but I remember a couple of years ago, there was drama about the concert hall because when the sun shined on the building, it would then reflect into the windows of surrounding buildings. Not only did the sunbeams make it way too bright for the unhappy residents, but the slightest sunlight would turn their homes/offices into an oven. The Gehry Partners solved the problem by dulling the shiny stainless steel exterior. There's a cool picture that I'm not going to upload because its like 100002359028350293k big, but in contrast to all the rigid, structured buildings, the Walt Disney Concert Hall looks free and.. pencil shavings-like. Plus, across the street, there's a Starbucks or something that I had gone to, it's the place where I had my first cup of coffee. It was deeeeee.. wait for it.. wait for it.. sssgusting! Disgusting! But maybe now I should return with my new coffee palette. I'm joking.
My favorite nearly annual field trips in high school (for band), was when we'd go over to watch the LA Philharmonic play. (:

Here is the House of World Cultures in Berlin (or Haus der Kulturen der Welt). I haven't looked much into it so.. check it:
I will update my research here and another research I'm doing on poverty and inequality in one of my other classes. (: What better way to spend your bandwidth than reading about my homework assignments? Plus, maybe this will help me actually digest material?
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